Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7, 2014 - Wednesday

Children, let no one deceive you. The person who acts in righteousness is righteous, just as he is righteous. (1 John 3:7 NABRE)

John wrote this letter about 65 years after Jesus died, and this chapter has some very stark and powerful statements that get to the heart of Christian living even today.

In today's verse, he speaks to us as children of God who are at risk.  He speaks in a reassuring tone as one might with their own child heading out to school for the day.  He tells us to be careful because there are people around who will work to deceive us about what is right and wrong.

And his central point in this entire letter seems to be that God IS truth and light, Jesus IS good and without sin, and we ARE good when we act according to what Jesus taught us.

Today, I will accept Jesus as savior; seek a connection with God the father; and ask the Holy Spirit to lead my actions, words, and thoughts so they are only good.

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