Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26, 2014 - Monday

And we have this confidence in him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. (1 John 5:14 NABRE)

Lord, I have written the final page of the fifth chapter in this life you have given to me, and today I begin writing the sixth.  As I begin, I ask--with complete confidence that you do in fact hear me--that you guide my life and protect all who are dear to me.

Lord, I offer you these first five chapters, with great thanks, as the only gift I can really give.  I lay them at your feet.  I ask that you accept them with all their imperfections, errors, and omissions.  And I thank you for them, for the learning, for never leaving me, for blessing me too abundantly, and for challenging me--urging me forward in my relationship with you.  I thank you for the inexpressible gift of awareness of your constant presence in my life, for the wisdom which only comes from you, and for the joyful heart these bring.

Lord, I dedicate entirely to you the new chapter I begin today.  I do not know how many pages it will contain, but I ask for your guidance each day, on each page, as you guided the hands and hearts of those who have gone before me, so that I express your will in all I do and say, so that I remove the obstacle of my own will from your plan for my life.

Lord, lead me along the path you want me to walk.  Light the way for me.  Be my lamp as I traverse this crooked way through darkness.  Let your Holy Spirit travel with me, and in those times of challenge or doubt, grant me the gentle willingness to step out of your way, and do your will.

Lord, I ask only that you lead each of us back to you.  Give each of us what we need to find our way through this life without being overcome by all that surrounds us and would turn us from you.  You made us to give you glory.  So help us to endure these lives of ours and by the process of living them for you, to create offerings of great glory, newer testaments that others may read and remember as encouragement for the road ahead.

Today, I will begin again to live your will in my life, and I will ask the help of some friends who have gone before me, for their help by praying for me and all who are dear to me:

Saint Philip Neri, known for your holiness, humility and sense of humor, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, parent of the boy Jesus, pray for us.
Saint Peregrine, patron saint of cancer patients, pray for us.
Saint Lucy, patron of the blind and eye disorders, pray for us.
Saint Faustina, devoted to Divine Mercy, pray for us.
Saint John Paul II, who touched our lives, pray for us.

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