Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 28, 2014 - Wednesday

Since, then, we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed, therefore I spoke,” we too believe and therefore speak (2 Corinthians 4:13 NABRE)

Lord, please guide us through any discomforts we may experience today, to a closer sense of your presence in our lives.

In today's verse, Paul aligns his suffering with Jesus' suffering on the cross so there will be value in it.  He teaches us that our suffering can be aligned with Jesus' suffering, so that it brings us closer to the eternal gift promised to all believers.

We have two surviving letters from Saint Paul to the church at Corinth which are part of the New Testament. In today's verse from letter two, Paul refers back to an expression found in Psalm 116 (verse 10) in the Old Testament--a passage where David describes his faith in God despite his own suffering.

Today, I will share the common message of Saint Paul and King David, that even our most intense suffering in this life is small compared to the great joy we can expect in the next.

Saint Mary Ann of Jesus of Paredes, whose continuous self-denial led to charity for others, pray for us.

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