Thursday, May 15, 2014

May 15, 2014 - Thursday

So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate. (Ephesians 6:14 NABRE)

Ephesus was a city on the western edge of Turkey, near the Aegean Sea, closer to Greece than to the Holy Land.  Paul's journeys to bring Christianity to the non-Jewish world had really begun to expand.

This letter to the Ephesians was actually written to several young churches founded by Paul, including the church at Ephesus, and its date and authorship have been somewhat disputed among scholars.  We know it was written by Paul or a later disciple between 28 and 68 years after Jesus' ascension.

In today's verse, Paul tells us how to handle daily living as a follower of Christ.  Using very practical terms, he teaches us that being truthful and just toward others protects us from evil.  These, along with prayer and faith, give us the ability to stand firm and resist the pull of evil in our lives.

Today, I will pray for courage in the face of evil challenges and the insight to recognize these spiritual challenges in this physical world.

Saint Isadore the Farmer, patron of farmers and laborers, pray for us and our work.

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