Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 18, 2014 - Sunday

The counsel of the LORD belongs to those who fear him;
and his covenant instructs them. (Psalms 25:14 NABRE)

We live with ambiguity in this world.  Everything seems to come in shades of gray.  But in today's psalm, King David reminds us of God's constancy in the midst of this swirling life of confusion.

In the lines leading up to verse 14, we learn that:
  • The Lord shows us sinners the way to live
  • He guides the humble person
  • He teaches his ways to the humble
  • He shows mercy to the person who honors his laws
  • He shows truth to the person who remains committed to him
  • He pardons those with great guilt
  • God shows us who respect him the way we should choose
  • He promises prosperity to the person who respects him
  • He gives us advice and instruction from his covenant if we respect him

Today, I will pray for humility, strength to honor his laws, and courage to commit to and show respect for the Lord.  

Saint John I, who died a Pope working for tolerance toward his Church, pray for us.

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