Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 27, 2014 - Tuesday

How can I lay a curse on the one whom God has not cursed?
How denounce the one whom the LORD has not denounced? (Numbers 23:8 NABRE)

Wishing misfortune on someone or talking badly about someone are things I should not do.

Today's verse from Numbers reminds me of this solid advice.  In context, the reference is to the Israelites who were chosen, led, and protected by God.  The book of Numbers tells their story as they wandered in the desert for nearly forty years.  Numbers also includes some of their legal ordinances, which must have helped them through this difficult time just before they entered the promised land.

The Israelites entered a new land and Saint Augustine of Canterbury entered a new land as well.  Despite their own fears, the Lord led them and protected them.  Perhaps this is a good second reminder for today.

Today, I will be careful with my words about others, and I will ask the Holy Spirit to lead me into new places where I might otherwise be afraid to go, so that God may touch others through my willingness to go.  Imagine what is possible.  Then imagine what God can do.

Saint Augustine of Canterbury, who overcame low self confidence and has been called the apostle to England, pray for us.

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