Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 13, 2014 - Tuesday

Hear, my son, your father’s instruction,
and reject not your mother’s teaching;
A graceful diadem will they be for your head;
a pendant for your neck. (Proverbs 1:8-9 NABRE)

What father has not given advice to his child?  Which parent hasn't told their child, listen to me because what I am telling you is valuable?  The book of Proverbs begins with the wise king Solomon teaching his son to listen to him and to his mother.

And what is the first bit of advice he offers?  Don't associate with wicked men because it will lead to a life of greed and violence.

We parents worry about our children.  We have dreams for them to be happy and successful, safe and loved.  We teach them about this life so that when its challenges arise, they will be prepared enough to handle themselves.  We try to give them guidance, knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

Simply put, we want our children to choose right over wrong, good versus bad, so they will live lives that are full and purposeful, that meet their potential and exceed their dreams!  And at times of difficulty and challenge, we want our children to endure with poise and confidence in God's purpose.

Today, I will pray for all parents, that they will be encouraged by God's confidence in their ability to nurture and protect his next generation; that they will realize they are God's first gift to their children; and that they will trust their efforts can be led by the Holy Spirit, especially at those times when the right choice is unclear, if they will only ask.

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