Saturday, October 10, 2015

October 10, 2015 - Saturday

He replied, “Rather, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.” (Luke 11:28 NABRE)

These words of Jesus remind me of the difficulty of hearing God's word and of the profound challenges to observing it. Even for someone like myself who wants to carve out a little time each day to spend reading and meditating on God's Word, it can be close to impossible. Surrounded by the time pressures of everyday life, the distractions of responsibilities, and the sensory overload of our culture, when do we make the time?!

Each of us is different, and praying amid the chaos is not a good starting place for most people. For me, waking up just a little earlier than I "need to" gives me a quiet time to spend with the Lord. When do you make your most important time of the day?

Lord Jesus, you told us that we are blessed when we hear the word of God and observe it. Thank you for so many ways to access you truth in this world that resists you so desperately. Thank you for the time each day that I get to spend with you. And thank you for the many chances each day that I get to express your truth into my world.

Today, I will celebrate my morning time with the Lord.

Saint Francis Borgia, often regarded as the second founder of the Jesuits, pray for us.

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