Thursday, October 8, 2015

October 8, 2015 - Thursday

Then those who fear the LORD spoke with one another,
and the LORD listened attentively;
A record book was written before him
of those who fear the LORD and esteem his name.
They shall be mine, says the LORD of hosts,
my own special possession, on the day when I take action.
And I will have compassion on them,
as a man has compassion on his son who serves him.
Then you will again distinguish
between the just and the wicked,
Between the person who serves God,
and the one who does not. (Malachi 3:16-18 NABRE)

I want the Lord to listen attentively to me. I want the Lord to consider me his own special possession. I will certainly need his compassion on the day of my own judgment.

And so, I will fear the Lord. I will esteem his name. I will be just toward others. I will serve God.

These are the sorts of attitudes and reforms I need to make in order to serve and please the Lord.

Today, I will meditate on these words of Malachi, to see where I can step forward a bit more in faith and trust in God, and also to see where I can change my heart and my actions.

Saint John Leonardi, whose life reminds us that each of us has a unique mission to fulfill in God's plan for the world, pray for us.

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