Tuesday, October 13, 2015

October 13, 2015 - Tuesday

They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and revered and worshiped the creature rather than the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen (Romans 1:25 NABRE)

When Paul wrote these words to the believers in Rome, he was describing our inclination to resist God, to push him aside in favor of our own desires, preferences, and interests. At some point, the faithful person should experience a moment in which he or she consciously chooses right over wrong. Clearly, at other times, we choose wrong over right; yet even if that becomes our routine, even if it evolves into our lifestyle, God remains.

God is faithful and will never say no to an honest and humble heart who turns back to him asking for his help and mercy. Like any loving parent, he waits for that moment, his focus is on that moment, his joy lives most completely in that moment. Let us remember who we are, created, and who God is, creator. Let us turn to the Lord, turn back to him if necessary, and seek closeness with him.

Today, I will look at my own interests, to see better those areas of my life that have become idols which lead me to revere the creature rather than the creator.

Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher, whose life centered around the Christian triad of prayer, penance and charity, pray for us.

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