Sunday, October 11, 2015

October 11, 2015 - Sunday

Lord, you have been our refuge
through all generations.
Before the mountains were born,
the earth and the world brought forth,
from eternity to eternity you are God. (Psalm 90 1b:2 NABRE)

Today's passage opens Psalm 90 which is entitled A prayer of Moses, the man of God. And so we see that Moses, the ancient man whom God chose to meet on Sinai, understood God's eternal nature as much as any man might.

Eternal God, you remain the refuge of all who are faithful even these many generations later. What seems like such a long time to us, is as the Psalmist says merely a day gone by. You were before the mountains were born, Lord. You were before this world was brought forth. You were, as we grasp for understanding, from eternity. And you will be to eternity God, creator of all that is.

Today, I will praise the greatness of God, who created and sustains all.

Saint John XXIII, who cooperated with God’s grace throughout your life, believing that the job at hand was worthy of your best efforts, pray for us.

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