Friday, October 23, 2015

October 23 2015 - Friday

At that time Jesus said in reply, “I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike. (Matthew 11:25 NABRE)

This saying introduces a joyous note into this section of Matthew's gospel. The childlike have accepted Jesus’ preaching and the significance of his mighty deeds. Acceptance depends upon the Father’s revelation, which is granted to those who are open to receive it and refused to the arrogant.*

Jesus, my teacher, thank you for the many ways you teach me. I am grateful for your words that continue to startle and amaze me--fresh and new, as though each reading of them is my first. May the challenge to be childlike draw me in so that I will trust and follow you even in my most difficult moments. Lord God, thank you for not hiding from me the truth of Jesus' words and actions. I am open to receiving it, and I consider openness the greater gift. May all who know even a little about you leave aside arrogance and the trust they have placed in themselves, so that they may be granted acceptance of the truth of Jesus and the salvation it promises.

Today, I will seek to be childlike, accepting Jesus' preaching and the significance of his deeds.

Saint John of Capistrano, patron of judges, pray for us.

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