Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12, 2015 - Monday

Oh, that today you would hear his voice:
Do not harden your hearts as at Meribah,
as on the day of Massah in the desert. (Psalm 95:7C-8 NABRE)

Meribah is a place where the Israelites quarreled with God. Massah is the place where they put God to the trial.*

Why, even when we see the works of the Lord, do we test God, as though one more sign, one more special favor would prove to us that God is real, that our faith is warranted, that Jesus really did open a door for us back into relationship with the Father?

I pray today for anyone who resists the inclination to believe. I pray for the hurt they have known. I pray for healing in their hearts. I pray for honesty and conversion so that all of God's creation will praise him, more than merely acknowledging him at the appointed time.

Today, I will pray for all people of good will, especially those who have lost faith along the way, that they will find a path back through pain and fear and anger and pride and self-determination and cynicism to relationship with the one true God.

Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, who worked in many different places but always with the zeal to help people know God’s saving love and compassion, pray for us.

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