Sunday, October 25, 2015

October 25, 2015 - Sunday

Jesus said to him in reply, “What do you want me to do for you?” The blind man replied to him, “Master, I want to see.”
Jesus told him, “Go your way; your faith has saved you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed him on the way. (Mark 10:51-52 NABRE)

Bartimaeus, the blind man in the story, was physically unable to see. He knew about the miraculous healings Jesus of Nazareth had performed, and so when he heard that Jesus was passing by, he called out to him for help.

Matthew recounts Mark's story, but with two blind men. (Matthew 20:29-34) The cure of the blind men is probably symbolic of what will happen to the disciples, now blind to the meaning of Jesus’ passion and to the necessity of their sharing his suffering. As the men are given sight, so, after the resurrection, will the disciples come to see that to which they are now blind.*

We are all blind in some way to Jesus, and so we can learn from the blind Bartimaeus who called out to Jesus saying, "Master, I want to see." May we have faith enough to ask for sight and courage enough to follow Jesus once we have our sight.

Today, I will celebrate my sight as well as the great gift of faith which I have been given.

Saint Antônio de Sant’Anna Galvão, whose life was a living sign of God's steadfast love, pray for us.

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