Sunday, June 29, 2014

Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 6

Acts Chapter Six is a brief chapter of just fifteen verses.  It has two major sections.

First, we see how the Apostles selected assistants to help meet the physical needs of the growing community.  Without some help, they would not have been able to stay dedicated to their main job which was to spend time in prayer and as ministers of God's word.  Second, it begins the story of Stephen, one of those chosen to assist.

Stephen is chosen, along with six other men, for several reasons:

  • Because of his good reputation
  • Because he is filled with the Holy Spirit
  • Because he has faith
  • Because he has wisdom
  • Because he is a member of the community

Lord, if it is your will that I begin a new ministry within your Church, then like Stephen, help me to accept the ministry you are calling me to.

I ask that you frustrate my attempts to decide on a ministry for myself, and replace my earthly goals with discernment to know the ministry you call me to.

And like Stephen, help me to recognize your call may not even be related to my talents and gifts, but instead it will be where you want me to work to bring your kingdom to life in my place and time.

And like Stephen, help me to withstand any earthly challenges by the grace of your Holy Spirit.

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