Friday, June 6, 2014

June 6, 2014 - Friday

And if we know that he hears us in regard to whatever we ask, we know that what we have asked him for is ours. (1 John 5:15 NABRE)

John, in his first of three letters, reminds us that faith gives us victory over sin, and God hears and answers our prayers.

And so we should continue to pray for one another instead of imposing snap judgments upon each other when we feel hurt or threatened.

I ask you, Lord, to soften my heart toward people of good will but with whom I sometimes disagree, and to lead me away from the temptation to diminish them, but rather let me see what unites us.

I ask you to support everyone around me and protect them in their personal climb.

And I ask you for your help in understanding others a little better, for the awareness to see that they (like me) often act in pain, not in malice--struggling just as I do to seek good and not evil.

Today, with certainty that you hear and answer me, I ask you Lord to lead me away from indifference toward others and toward greater faith in my own heart.

Saint Norbert, who teaches us to be enthusiastic in our faith, pray for us.

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