Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10, 2014 - Tuesday

Better a little with justice,
than a large income with injustice. (Proverbs 16:8 NABRE)

This reminder of correct priorities is worth consideration.  We often think of justice in a legal context, but here it means something closer to charity.  Justice is known as one of the cardinal virtues and has to do with our obligations toward one another, making sure each of us receives what is our due.

As Jesus reminds us in Matthew's gospel, no man can serve two masters, so we should not focus on storing up treasures on earth but rather we should store up treasures in heaven by depending on God.  He tells us in very specific terms that we cannot serve both God and money.  And he actually describes money as a god that is worshiped.

This is a real challenge to us today.  In fact, Pope Francis has called the Church to be transformed.  In his 2013 apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (the Joy of the Gospel), he calls us to say no to what he calls "the new idolatry of money."

Do I worship money too much?  Do I become too focused on a large income rather than being a good steward of what God has given to me?

Today, I will spend my prayer time considering how I can serve God more effectively by depending on him more and by becoming a better steward of what is truly his.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, who reminds us of God's love for all people especially the poor, pray for us.

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