Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 3, 2014 - Tuesday

Seek good and not evil,
that you may live;
Then truly the LORD, the God of hosts,
will be with you as you claim. (Amos 5:14 NABRE)

For me, it is almost impossible to see my own personal faults and shortcomings.  So I am grateful to be able to "overhear" what Amos had to say to some pretty fallen-away believers.  How often do I actively seek evil things or try to silence the voice of my conscience because I don't like what it's accusing me of?  How often am I that hypocrite who says one thing and does another?  I cannot be afraid to ask these questions about myself.  The real risk is in not asking them.  I cannot be afraid to try and change.  The real risk is if I stop trying.

Amos was a prophet back in the eighth century before Christ.  He had harsh words for Israel's wealthy Northern Kingdom which had become unjust toward its own people and idolatrous in its worship of other gods.  He prophesied about ten miles north of Jerusalem, in Bethel, that is until he was banned from the worship center there.

Today's verse is one of Amos' few encouraging statements; but in context, it actually has an almost sarcastic tone--a challenge of sorts:  OK, all you who claim to be God's people, seek good and God will be with you and you will live, otherwise things will go badly for you.

Today, I will appreciate the words of the prophet Amos and other great men and women who speak out against injustice.  And I will accept their challenge to seek good and not evil, which is God's challenge to me each day.

Saint Charles Lwanga, one of 22 Ugandan martyrs who sought good and not evil, pray for us.

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