Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17, 2014 - Tuesday

Let integrity and uprightness preserve me;
I wait for you, O LORD. (Psalms 25:21 NABRE)

Today's verse is one in a series of requests David asks of the Lord which leads up to his request to reclaim his people from their distress.  David asks God to:

  1. Have pity on him because he is alone and afflicted
  2. Relieve the troubles of his heart because he is distressed
  3. Take away all his sins because he is afflicted and suffering
  4. See his enemies because they hate him fiercely
  5. Preserve his soul, rescue him and keep him from disgrace because he seeks refuge in God
  6. Let integrity and uprightness preserve him because he waits for God
  7. Redeem Israel because it is distressed

Notice how David begins by asking for very personal help and concludes by asking for help for his people.  He seems to regard himself as the representative of his people and their suffering.

God wants us to reach out to him when we are alone, afflicted, distressed, suffering, or hated.  He wants us to seek refuge in him and to wait for him.  And we can be confident in God's promises to us.

Today, I will ask God for the same mercy David requests, for myself and for the needs of my people.

Saint Albert Chmielowski, servant to the poor, pray for us.

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