Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 4, 2014 - Wednesday

Yet there is no one on earth so just as to do good and never sin. (Ecclesiastes 7:20 NABRE)

Lord, I ask your help today.  I am tired.  I will need your guidance as I walk the path you have placed in front of me, to recognize the opportunities you will give me to do good for others, and to avoid being misled into bad behavior by the lies you will allow me to hear.  May your Holy Spirit light my path so that my day begins and ends for you. (And Lord, please forgive my mixed metaphors today, I'm too tired to fix them!  You know my heart!)

In many ways, the ancient book of Ecclesiastes is a very modern one.  It has a skeptical tone and it dwells on the many pointless pursuits of this life.  Anyone who reads this book today is likely to relate well with its sentiments.

It is easy to misunderstand a book like Ecclesiastes by overlooking its tone.  This probably happens most commonly when single verses are taken out of context; and for such a quotable book, this is a substantial risk.  Its words are taken and used out of context all the time to justify lives of indifference and pleasure-seeking.

Fundamentally, I would argue that the final two verses really contain its entire message:  When all is said and done, God will judge our actions, so we should fear him and keep his commandments.

Today, I will be patient with myself and seek the quiet that is so necessary to hearing God's voice.

Saint Francis Caracciolo, who lived a humble life of service, pray for us.

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