Saturday, June 28, 2014

June 28, 2014 - Saturday

So that the righteous decree of the law might be fulfilled in us, who live not according to the flesh but according to the spirit. (Romans 8:4 NABRE)

The Background:

The Jewish law was once the path to God.  At one time, a life pleasing to God was attained by observing the Jewish law. A righteous life.  A holy life. A sanctified life.  A good life.  These all came from following the law.

But something bad happened.  Paul tells us in no uncertain terms that the Jewish law had been corrupted by sin.  We see this corruption in the way the religious leaders of the time treated Jesus!  Paul describes it for us by stating they lived by the flesh and did not have the Spirit.  Because the law had been corrupted, the flesh began to frustrate the divine objectives expressed in it.  And a holy life could no longer be attained by following the Jewish law.*

Flesh is sort of a secret code word, shorthand really.  Paul uses it as a quick way to reference our sinful nature and to contrast it with our Spirit-led nature.  I picture it as the little red devil sitting on one shoulder who is always arguing with the little white angel sitting on the other.  Specifically, flesh is used to mean the self-interested hostility each of us has toward God.  For the Christian, it is also called the "old self."

Spirit is the same Holy Spirit of God that was in Jesus and the Apostles, who also lives in us.  Living according to the spirit is a way of describing the Christian's new self.  The inner life of us Christians really involves the work we do to deny the flesh and pursue life in the spirit.

The Point:

Christ frees us from the terrible forces of sin and death.  His Spirit is alive in us!

Now go spend a few minutes and read Romans 8:1-13 slowly.  You'll get the point!

Today, recalling the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I will seek to live according to the spirit.

Saint Irenaeus, who sought God's truth, pray for us.

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