Thursday, June 19, 2014

June 19, 2014 - Thursday

Like a bird far from the nest
so is anyone far from home. (Proverbs 27:8 NABRE)

Our home is part of what defines us as humans.  Today, at this very moment, Christians in Iraq are living under threat of imminent death in the city of Bartilla.  They are at risk of having to flee at a moment's notice, so they keep their bags packed.  Like the bird far from its nest, they would be even more vulnerable in a country that is so hostile toward their beliefs.  A local priest who has worshiped at the same church his whole life remains hopeful despite their situation.  One news report this morning quotes him saying, "What are we supposed to do?  This is our land, our church that our ancestors built. This evil can't continue. A day will come when people will come to their senses."

Lord, I pray for all believers, but today especially for the Iraqi Christians.  We ask that your Spirit continue to live within them to keep their faith strong, their hope alive, and their love enduring.  May their difficult circumstances not turn their gaze away from you.  And may they always trust that, even when they cannot understand why homelessness and even death threatens them at every moment, all things do work together for the good of those who love you.*

Today, I will be grateful for my home, but remember that my real home is with God

Saint Romuald, who willingly left his home to share the gospel, pray for us.

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