Thursday, June 12, 2014

June 12, 2014 - Thursday

Since the LORD, your God, is a merciful God, he will not abandon or destroy you, nor forget the covenant with your ancestors that he swore to them. (Deuteronomy 4:31 NABRE)

Lord, I thank you for this day and for your love and faithfulness toward me.  It is easy to be thankful when things are going well for me, and I want to thank you even more in the midst of trials.  I thank you for the many undeserved blessings you have provided my family and me.  I ask for your mercy for those times when I forget about you.  And I ask for your protection over my family, my people, as we wander like the Israelites in our own desert of waiting for your son's return to us.

Today's verse comes from a beautiful section of Deuteronomy where Moses describes God's faithfulness and love for his people.  It is a reminder that even when we have turned away from God in suffering or defiance, he waits for us and welcomes us.  And so, we're reminded to acknowledge the Lord and to follow his commands.

The book of Deuteronomy is the fifth and final book of the Torah, also know as the Pentateuch--the first five books of the Bible.  Though its authorship is sometimes assigned to Moses, Deuteronomy tells about Moses and brings to life three discourses of his.  It was probably written over a period of several hundred years beginning in the eighth century B.C. and recounts the time Moses and the Israelites spent wandering in the desert after receiving the law at Mount Sinai and before entering the Promised Land (which as you may remember, Moses never does!).*

Today, I will turn away from my own concerns and place them in God's hands, confident that in his unimaginable love, he will preserve me safely through them.  And I will praise him because he is God!

Saint Joseph, guardian and protector of Mary and Jesus, pray for us.

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