Sunday, June 15, 2014

June 15, 2014 - Sunday

The just walk in integrity;
happy are their children after them! (Proverbs 20:7 NABRE)

Happy is sometimes translated as blessed.  And blessings take so many forms.  To imagine our lives to be blessings for others helps us recognize something valuable.  Most of the time, we think of the blessings we receive.  Thinking about the blessings we give is a good way to consider the choices we make.  Does my choice to do something bless my children?  Does it bless others in my family?  Does it bless my friends or acquaintances?  Does it bless the stranger I will never meet?

Lord, you blessed me with fatherhood and for that I will always thank you.  Let me in turn share blessings with my children, now and throughout their lives.  Help me to make choices that are upright and demonstrate my faithfulness to you.  Especially at times of temptation, challenge or crisis, guide my choices so they have integrity.  Strengthen me so my choices are just and bless my children.

Today, I will seek to make right choices.

Servant of God Orlando Catanii, a unique model of willing generosity, pray for us.

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