Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014 - Monday

Your reign is a reign for all ages,
your dominion for all generations. (Psalm 145:13a NABRE)

This song of joy seems to bubble up out of the singer, whose enthusiasm and praise of God's kingship and works are unconstrained.  Even our greatest kings live short lives of struggle, but we need to remember the Lord will reign for all ages and all generations--and he invites us to be in a relationship with him.  Now that deserves a song, a smile, and a heart swelling with gratitude!

Oh Lord, thank you for your great goodness and your mercy toward us.  We celebrate and praise your works and your compassion.  Let our hearts grow in love for you.  Guide us as we express your intentions through the way we live our lives.

Interesting side note:  Psalm 145 is song in acrostic form, every verse begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet.*

Today, I will make time to sing a song of joy!

Saint Ephrem, one of the first to introduce song into Christian worship, pray for us.

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