Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 8, 2014 - Sunday

Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. (Acts 2:3 NABRE)

We tend to want drama.  We want miracles as proof.  We are all doubting Thomas at times.  We look for amazing things like tongues of fire resting on people in the room.  But it is important to remember that even without those things, we share the Apostles' mission, we share the same Holy Spirit, and we share in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

In today's verse, fire symbolizes the presence of God, just as it does in Exodus 19:18 when Moses was on Mount Sinai.  Today, as we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles at Pentecost, we remember the unique gift they were given to begin their mission.

Baptism.  Confirmation.  These are our sacramental moments.  The Holy Spirit within each of us gives us God's power to act in this world.  Always remember the power within.  Stay always open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit--the feeling, the awareness, the confidence to say and do what is right even at difficult moments.  Even when things don't seem to work out right, or when the words seem to be all wrong, if you have been open in this way, you will start to see the small signs.  You will start to recognize the miracles.

Today, I will remember the amazing gifts of the Holy Spirit in my life and I will turn my heart and mind toward God's goodness, seeking out my role in our shared mission.

Saint William of York, who reminds us that outward signs are less important than what is in our hearts, pray for us.

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