Thursday, December 11, 2014

December 11, 2014 - Thursday

And on entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. They prostrated themselves and did him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11 NABRE)

The three wise men who visited Jesus, the newborn king, were from the east. "The word magi originally referred to a Persian priestly caste noted for their interpretation of dreams....Here they are probably astrologers who look to the movement of stars as a guide to human events and destiny."* Old testament prophesies, Psalms 72:10, 15 and Isaiah 60:6, led to the interpretation of the magi as kings.*

These Gentile outsiders came to worship at the arrival of the newborn king. They "are able to see the signs of the divine in creation....These foreigners may have even been aware of the expectation that a worldwide ruler would come from Judah. Yet they had to consult the Jews about the messianic prophecies in order to unlock the more hidden mysteries of God."*

Lord, help me to be like the magi and not like Herod. Help me to seek you in this world rather than to feel threatened by your presence. When I feel far away from you, show me a star that will lead me to you. And please accept my heartfelt gifts--they are not gold, frankincense, and myrrh, but sometimes just prayers, kind words or smiles for others in need.

Today, I will serve you Lord, grateful for the many gifts you give me.

Saint Damasus I, whose life reminds us to be alert to the promptings of the Spirit and to serve others, pray for us.

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