Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 14, 2014 - Sunday

"What I say to you, I say to all: ‘Watch!’” (Mark 13:37 NABRE)

While speaking to his disciples, Jesus tells them of the need for watchfulness. He tells them, and us, to remain ready for him to return. The disciples had to have been confused by this because they really didn't know what was about to happen to Jesus--his passion and death were looming. They did not have the benefit of hindsight as we do today.

This Jesus, who was and is the incarnate Word of God, who rose from the dead and is right now in the presence of the Father; this Jesus, who humbled himself completely before God and man by becoming a man like us when he was born on that first Christmas night and by submitting to the humiliation and suffering of his passion and death--his purpose for becoming a man; this Jesus who then rose from the dead on that first Easter, defeating death and offering life after death to all who will believe in him; this Jesus knew who he was and he knew his destiny.

Lord, I thank you for this moment. I thank you for this very moment, right now. Not the last one. Not the next one, but this moment. Thank you for the air I am breathing and for being part of this place, part of this now. Thank you for what I see and hear in this place, and for the awareness of your protection over me in this vast universe. Thank you for all I smell, taste and touch right now, and for the mindfulness to meditate on and study your grace that has covered mankind throughout our history.

Today, I will thank God for each moment I live, aware of the endless expanse and the discreet and purposeful gift each moment is.

Saint John of the Cross, patron of mystics, pray for us.

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