Friday, December 26, 2014

December 26, 2014 - Friday

Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. (Matthew 10:8b NABRE)

Not long after Jesus calls together his twelve chosen followers, they are designated by Matthew as apostles (which means "one who is sent"). Jesus gives certain abilities to the apostles and sends them out to announce to Israel, as John the Baptist did, that the long-awaited time of God's rule has begun.

Like the apostles, each of us has been given certain abilities to help build his kingdom (as the saying goes) while here on earth. To do this, Jesus calls us to look at our lives, to see what needs changing, and to make the necessary changes with his help.

Jesus, I thank you for your holy Spirit and the gifts you have given to me at no cost. As my faith in you grows and my reliance on the guidance of your Spirit increases, help me to look critically at my life and to see even more clearly what needs changing. Specifically, show me how to change and give me the courage and trust in you to make the change you desire, so that I might better reflect your will in my life. Lead me to others in need, to circumstances where I might give freely to others in your name, so that they too might see something of the beauty of your love for them.

Today, I will give freely of myself in whatever context you provide, Lord.

Saint Stephen, who spoke the truth fearlessly, pray for us.

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