Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December 17, 2014 - Wednesday

God alone is my rock and salvation,
my fortress; I shall never fall. (Psalm 62:3 NABRE)

Psalm 62 is a song of encouragement! Today's verse is it's refrain. In it, David encourages us to trust God above all else.

During the Advent season, we hear and meditate on the incarnation of our God as a man. The curtain between the physical and the spiritual worlds seems to get pulled aside just a bit and allows us a glimpse of how much lies barely beyond our senses.

Oh Lord, boundless creator, who's Word alone created the visible and the invisible and then joined us as a man, help us to trust you--what you promise us about yourself in inspired scripture, what you show us about yourself in the natural world, and what we can understand about you in our personal experiences. Inspire us with great confidence by the signs you provide so that we might place our trust and our lives in your hands.

Today, I will trust God, looking to him first for strength and protection.

Lazarus, friend of Jesus who reminds us not to fear death, pray for us.

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