Friday, December 19, 2014

December 19, 2014 - Friday

Although I am free in regard to all, I have made myself a slave to all so as to win over as many as possible. (1 Corinthians 9:19 NABRE)

Saint Paul talks about freedom differently than we typically do today. To him, freedom meant he was fully available to serve others. He was not hindered in his ability to preach and serve. He trained himself with discipline, like an athlete, and removed, as much as possible, any earthly distractions, ties, or obligations from his life. He did this so that, as he says, he could focus on "win[ning] over as many as possible [to faith in Jesus]."

Lord, help me to look at my life, to examine the many distractions I've built up around me. Guide me as I seek to remove the excess from my life, as I seek to free myself from the debt, from the unnecessary agreements, and from the trivial pursuits which distract me from what you would have me do. And Lord, as the stillness settles, as the busy-ness calms, let me hear your prompting. Let me see your path for my life. And let me joyfully make the changes in my life that respond to your guidance.

Today, I will consider the necessity of my many daily activities and replace one short, trivial activity with a few minutes of quiet--not speaking or praying, just listening quietly for God's guidance.

Blessed Pope Urban V, who sought to reunite the Eastern and Western churches, pray for us.

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