Monday, December 8, 2014

December 8, 2014 - Monday

Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:19 NABRE)

Lord Jesus, as part of what we have come to call the Sermon on the Mount, you taught your disciples that you came to fulfill, not to abolish, the law and the words of the prophets. John's gospel begins by explaining that, in fact, you are God's Word who existed before all time and yet became incarnate as a man. You fulfill the words of the commandments and the prophesies of old as no other man ever could because they are words given by God to men. Lord, I am grateful for the grace you show me, especially the mercy and strength you share with me for this life and the next.

I imagine these words are difficult to make sense of. Either they seem confusing or ridiculous.

If they are a little confusing, don't worry. Keep reading God's word every day, meditate on it even for just a few minutes each day, seek to apply it to your own busy life, and at all times keep praying.

If these words seem ridiculous to you, ask yourself if anything is missing from your life, recognize that if you are still reading this perhaps that is the case, take a leap of faith and trust God will respond (do it privately...what have you got to lose?), consider that all these things you may have heard about over the years are true and available to you right now, and for just this one minute be humble (and allow yourself to feel silly enough) to talk to God and ask him to fill the biggest need in your life.

My prayer today is for you, wherever you are in your walk. Amen.

Today, on this Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, I will evaluate how well I obey and teach others about God's words to us which show us how to live in his presence.

Mary, mother of the word incarnate and patroness of Brazil and the United States, pray for us.

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