Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1, 2014 - Monday

Thus you may walk in the way of the good,
and keep to the paths of the just. (Proverbs 2:20 NABRE)

"Not Invented Here" describes an attitude which prevents someone from accepting advice. People who have the "Not Invented Here" attitude--which usually has its roots in arrogance, pride, or insecurity--are simply not open to ideas put forth by others. Instead, they have to feel as if they are the originator of all good ideas. Consider how limiting this is!

I can recall frequently thinking this way (in my far distant past of course). It shocks me to think how much I limited myself each time I rejected the wise advice of others, or worse, each time I unwittingly accepted bad advice from deceitful people. I hope I have permanently relinquished this attitude as I have come to recognize it in myself.

In today's verse, indeed in the whole of Proverbs 2, the wise speaker gives us advice that if we make it our way of life to seek wisdom, understanding and intelligence we will find them. We will become good and just.

And we are strongly reminded there is risk too. In our lives, we need to carefully avoid the advice and deceptions of deceitful people whose ways can lead us into destructive thinking and lifestyles. Such people distract us from the pursuit of wisdom.

Today, I will ask God for the grace to recognize the wise people around me, and I will seek to be open to their input, suggestions and ideas.

Blessed Charles de Foucauld, whose life was animated by prayer and humble service, pray for us.

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