Thursday, December 25, 2014

December 25, 2014 - Thursday

For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord. (Luke 2:11 NABRE)

Blessed recently with our firstborn grandson, our family is enjoying the pure and innocent presence of this infant boy in our midst. We memorize his face. We copy the sounds he makes as he copies ours. We gaze into his eyes as he looks unblinking into ours. We offer him a finger to grasp and marvel at his grip. We dress him in outfits, each of which has a story. We admire him as he notices things farther and farther away. We see him recognize his parents' voices and the faces of little friends that are becoming familiar to him. We introduce him to our friends nearby and some who come from far away. And, most of all, we hold him!

Today my family celebrates Christmas in a beautiful and exciting new way, but the message of hope and promise that embodies this day remains. God is indeed with us!

After many years of waiting, he came as a poor infant boy, as the promised son of Israel, yet he was not even recognized by many of his own people. His first coming sets the stage for his return, and we wait, hopeful that more will recognize him then, doing what we can to help that along each day.

Lord, on this day of joy, may those of us who believe and those of us who do not, may the entire creation, sense the peace you offer, glimpse the hope of what is possible just beyond our understanding, and remember that the arrival of a little child thousands of years ago changed us all. 

Today, I will allow myself to be lost in each moment as it passes.

Today is the Solemnity of the Nativity. Let us pray for each other today. Birthdays are about family welcoming new members, new life. Let us recognize ourselves as brothers and sisters gathered together here for a few minutes each day. We come from Canada, the Philippines, Israel, European countries including Germany and France, and many of the United States, from Alaska to Florida, North Carolina to Oregon, and Texas to Massachusetts. God hears our collective prayers!

Merry Christmas to you and may you enjoy a share of God's peace and joy today!

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