Friday, December 5, 2014

December 5, 2014 - Friday

Therefore, holy “brothers,” sharing in a heavenly calling, reflect on Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession,
who was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses was “faithful in [all] his house.” (Hebrews 3:1-2 NABRE)

The writer to the Hebrews compares Jesus to Moses. His description of Jesus in particular tells us something important about who he is in relationship to God the Father and in relationship to us. In today's verse, Jesus is called the apostle [of God] which is mean to indicate he is the "one sent as God's final word to us."* Knowing his audience would understand the primacy of Moses, this comparison would have been a powerful message about Jesus' divine authority. Jesus is then described as superior even to Moses. And yet, he is in a sense, joined with us as a brother in our heavenly calling.

Lord Jesus, thank  you for your faithfulness and mercy. We are brothers sharing in your heavenly calling. Help us to be faithful in all things as you are. And help us to share your mercy with others as we face the challenges of this day.

Today, I will ask Jesus, my high priest, for his mercy and faithfulness even as I drift--forgetful or neglectful--at times from my own calling.

Saint Sabas, model of patient generosity for anyone whose time and energy are required by others, pray for us.

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