Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 16, 2014 - Tuesday

And say, “Save us, O God, our savior,
gather us and deliver us from among the nations,
That we may give thanks to your holy name
and glory in praising you.” (1 Chronicles 16:35 NABRE)

Today's verse comes from the end of a song which King David had Asaph and his brothers first sing during a celebration before the Ark of the Covenant as it was initially set down in Jerusalem. Actually, we have it as it was written by the Chronicler about 700 years later and 300 years before Jesus was born. It is based on Psalm 106, verse 47.

Do you think David knew at the time this was sung that his words spoke prophetically of Jesus Christ, who would not be born for another 1000 years? Probably not.

Sometimes God uses us in ways we will never know about. Think about that for a minute. Isn't it amazing? Just like David, we may be the instruments of God, playing our roles in salvation history, without even knowing it and having no idea of the impact we may have.

And what was it about David, do you think, that prepared him for such a role? What is it about him that we might emulate if we hope to be God's hands and heart in today's world? David was open to God, grateful even in the worst circumstances, and sang songs of praise and thanksgiving to God. Maybe those are some things we can work on in our own lives so that our place in history reflects our love of God more strongly than we will ever know.

Today, I will remain aware of the impact I have on others, praise God, and keep open to his presence and guidance.

Blessed Honoratus Kozminski, who is said to have "always walked with God," pray for us.

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