Saturday, December 27, 2014

December 27, 2014 - Saturday

Then the righteous will give thanks to your name;
the upright will dwell in your presence. (Psalm 140:14 NABRE)

Have you ever had an enemy, a real enemy, someone who maybe even seemed irrationally pushed by evil and who was intent on hurting you?

King David, it seems, confronted this very isolating problem. Based on his writing and considering the circumstances of his reign, it is clear he must have had many enemies. In Psalm 140, David describes his enemies is dramatic detail. In some ways, it reads like a Hollywood movie teaser! David talks about wicked, violent, arrogant and slanderous men who plan evil against him and stir up conflicts around him. He lives in a high-pressure world where he is the target of those with sharp and threatening tongues who plot to trip him up and set traps for him.

Yet, David, the powerful king, is humble enough to ask God for his protection. He considers himself among the needy, the poor, the just and the upright. It is a powerful thing for us to realize that amidst all the danger he faced, he turned first to God, with great confidence, and pleaded with him for deliverance.

Lord Jesus, when evil pursues me--and I know it does, as I draw closer to you and evil pursues me with increasing intensity--and I know it does, protect me--I know you will. You take up the cause of those in need. You shield the just and the upright in battle. Lord, I trust in you. Thank you for delivering me from every evil.

Today, I will stay mindful of God's protection over my life by praying The Lord's Prayer throughout the day.

Saint John the Apostle, whose gospel reminds us that God is love, pray for us.

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