Thursday, December 4, 2014

December 4, 2014 - Thursday

Who made the great lights,
for his mercy endures forever;
The sun to rule the day,
for his mercy endures forever. (Psalms 136:7-8 NABRE)

Psalm 136 is both a summary of Israel's past and a beautiful call to praise God, the creator of all things, for his divine mercy. Most likely written as a call/response song, the refrain "for his mercy endures forever" is a perpetual drumbeat, a consistent truth sounding throughout the history of God's people. It sounds for us today.

Lord of all creation, we rely completely on your mercy. We know you as the author of life and the creator of all things visible and invisible. We are bound by time, but you are outside of time. We cannot ever understand all that you are, and yet you seek a personal relationship with each of us whom you created. You desire that we turn to you and trust you ahead of ourselves. Lord Jesus, because our nature turns us away from you so easily, we need your great mercy and we are grateful that you so willingly share it. Thank you for your enduring mercy.

Today, I will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in thanksgiving for God's many blessings.

Saint Faustina, who reminds us of God's willingness to forgive, pray for us.

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