Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December 30, 2014 - Tuesday

But you, remain faithful to what you have learned and believed, because you know from whom you learned it. (2 Timothy 3:14 NABRE)

Believers should be useful to the Lord. It's true God does not need us, but everything we know of him points us to be of service to others in his name. As 2014 comes to a close, take a few minutes today to reflect on ways you used your time this year in service to the Lord.

As Paul and Timothy did, and as today's saint did, each of us is given opportunities to serve others and to be used by God. Just for today, let's think about the times we said yes! Let's remember the times we heard his call. Let's dwell just a little on the times we tried. Not out of personal pride, but in order to recognize his very real movement in our lives!

Lord, thank you for choosing me to serve you, for lighting my sometimes frightening path, and for the awareness of your presence in my life. Thank you for your holy Spirit within me, my guide through life's most difficult moments. O Lord, this was a remarkable year because I knew you as a friend and a companion. 2014 was a special year because you gave me this platform to share part of myself and our relationship with my children. Father in heaven, thank you for a few times you even shoved me a bit into something I was reluctant to do for you! I ask that in the upcoming year you open my heart to your will, that you increase my willingness to serve others in your name, and you raise my trust in your divine protection.

Today, I will be grateful for the opportunities I've had this year to server others, and I will pray that my faith and my choices may incline others toward the Lord.

Saint Egwin, eighth-century Benedictine bishop who chose a difficult path for himself in service to the Lord, pray for us.

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