Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 10, 2015 - Sunday

Then Peter proceeded to speak and said, “In truth, I see that God shows no partiality.
Rather, in every nation whoever fears him and acts uprightly is acceptable to him. (Acts 10:34-35 NABRE)

God shows no partiality. So why do men? Why is it that we so often judge others to be inadequate? Who are we but clay in God's hands, foolish to think we can judge other bits of clay on behalf of the potter!

Let us remember that God accepts whoever respects him and acts honorably. We are called to share the good new, not the judgment, of God.

Lord, I think mothers know best what Saint Peter preaches in today's verse because they accept and love their children regardless of their differences. Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful examples of our own mothers, who give us powerful examples of acceptance and impartiality. Thank you, Lord, for this real vision of how your love, so beyond even that of a mother, accepts each of us despite our lost lives and hurting hearts. Lord, help me to see you in all people, help me to see what makes us alike, help me to overlook what makes us different so that I will not judge others but rather love them because you love them.

Today, on this Sixth Sunday of Easter, which is also Mother's Day, I will remember the love my mother gave me.

Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
Saint Monica, patron of mothers, pray for us.
Saint John of Avila, 16th-century Church reformer, pray for us.

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