Saturday, May 30, 2015

May 30, 2015 - Saturday

I give you thanks, LORD and King,
I praise you, God my savior!
I declare your name, refuge of my life. (Sirach 51:1 NABRE)

Lord Jesus, I give honor and praise only to you. I know that you alone deserve my devotion.

Jesus, my savior, I have no words sufficient to thank you for offering yourself on that cross for me. You turned away the very wrath of God from me. I thank you for such a selfless sacrifice. I thank you for myself and for all who benefit from your saving power. 

Lord, as I live each day, I am regularly reminded of your protection over me. I pray for those who cannot sense your Spirit at work in their own lives. May they come to know the comfort of your presence and the healing grace of your invitation.

Today, I will thank the Lord for his many blessings, praise him for being my savior, and share his name with others as my protector.

Saint Joan of Arc, who called on Jesus even while being put to death, pray for us.

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