Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28, 2015 - Thursday

Let all the earth fear the LORD;
let all who dwell in the world show him reverence.
For he spoke, and it came to be,
commanded, and it stood in place. (Psalm 33:8-9 NABRE)

Have you ever cooked something from scratch--banana bread, blueberry muffins, a chocolate cake? Have you ever painted a picture in watercolor or oil paint? Have you ever written a poem, a song, a story?

Do you remember the feeling of being in that moment of creation, when everything else fades away and the only experience you know is the simple and singular joy of seeing or hearing or smelling your piece as it comes to life, as it literally comes into existence for the first time? Consider too, it will be the only time that creation comes into existence. It is a unique expression of your creativity.

Now, imagine creating your masterpiece by speaking it into existence. Imagine it is a mountain, an ocean, a person. Imagine you utter a Word and the grandeur of all the universe comes to be. And imagine the same simple and singular joy of creating time, of creating relationship, of creating love.

Oh God, you are the master artist, creator of all that is. You create each moment and all it contains. Thank you for allowing me to share in the awareness of your creation and for the chance to stand in grateful awe, humble fear, and complete reverence of your craftsmanship. You are indeed greater than all of creation!

Today, I will marvel at the creation, in all its many forms around me.

Venerable Pierre Toussaint, who refused bitterness and instead chose to cooperate with God's grace, pray for us.

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