Monday, May 25, 2015

May 25, 2015 - Monday

But to the penitent he provides a way back
and encourages those who are losing hope!
Turn back to the Lord and give up your sins,
pray before him and make your offenses few.
Turn again to the Most High and away from iniquity,
and hate intensely what he loathes. (Sirach 17:24-26 NABRE)

The Wisdom of Ben Sira was written about two hundred years before Jesus. The author was a sage who lived in Jerusalem. The book of Sirach speaks of friendship, education, poverty and wealth, laws, religious worship, and many other matters that reflect the religious and social customs of the time.*

Today's verse calls us to be penitent and offers hope to all those who are and who return to God. Powerful words close the passage when we are called to hat intensely what God loathes.

Today, I will be encouraged in prayer and turn again to the Most High.

Saint Bede the Venerable, patron of scholars, pray for us.

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