Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May 6, 2015 - Wednesday

But some from the party of the Pharisees who had become believers stood up and said, “It is necessary to circumcise them and direct them to observe the Mosaic law.” (Acts 15, 6 NABRE)

Even believers disagree, and whenever that happens someone usually ends up being wrong. Even among the very first believers--those who knew and heard Jesus and who were the first to build Church, among whom we might expect a relative consensus, there was disagreement over new issues that arose.

The Church today is no different. Although we seek to live our faith in a very different world than the one Jesus knew, and though the issues we confront, especially with regard to aspects of family life, are different than in his day, causing at times even among the faithful bitter disagreements that we must work through, we still do as they did! We look for answers, but we know that finding true answers depends on our seeking guidance by the Holy Spirit.

Lord, not long after you left this earthly place, you sent us your holy Spirit who remains with us even today. Thank you for sharing this part of yourself with me and your Church, Lord, so that we might prayerfully discern your will in all circumstances, great and small. Help us, Lord, to hear the whispers of your Spirit which point us to true wisdom and understanding. Help us to defend and bring forth your truth to others, speaking with strength and compassion. Help our leaders, Pope Francis and all who shepherd us, to remain open to your Spirit, seeking only to serve the King of kings as they serve others.

Today, on this Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Easter, I will listen for the whisper of God's Spirit in my heart so that I might grow in wisdom, understanding and compassion.

Saints Marian and James, third-century lector and deacon who were martyred for your faith, pray for us.

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