Friday, May 22, 2015

May 22, 2015 - Friday

The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will teach you everything and remind you of all that [I] told you. (John 14:26 NABRE)

While at the Last Supper, Jesus spoke in some detail about the Holy Spirit who would come to his friends after he leaves them. In John's gospel, the Holy Spirit "is a teacher, a witness to Jesus, and a prosecutor of the world, who represents the continued presence on earth of the Jesus who has returned to the Father."*

In today's verse, we are given a sense of HOW the Holy Spirit works as a teacher, and there are many even today who are deeply aware of the Spirit's presence with them personally.

So how do we recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit when he is teaching or reminding us of something? Pray constantly, whenever possible, by quietly listening. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you and then wait patiently. Actually, do not worry or even think about a response. There is no need. Do not expect to hear voices, but do be open to ideas that may come into your thoughts as your day progresses. This is how the Holy Spirit has his greatest impact!

At times of decision, challenge, or difficulty, when our consciences bother us, when the world wants to lead us away from what's right and good, it is in these very moments when--if we remain open to his voice--the Holy Spirit teaches us. It is in these moments he reminds us of what Jesus says. And it is not uncommon in these moments we can find ourselves saying things we never expected or planned to say, things we might even consider out of character! Words, that are not our own. Recognize them as such--with awe and thanks!

Come Holy Spirit.

As the Easter Season draws to a close tomorrow, and the Feast of Pentecost is celebrated on Sunday, let us take some time to be quiet in God's presence, asking only that his Spirit would come to us, teach us, and remind us of all Jesus told us. Not sure what to pray for, the Novena to the Holy Spirit is a "powerful plea for the light and strength and love so sorely needed" in our world. Let us put aside our cynical selves and our complex lives, replacing them with trust, faith and simple acceptance of something which is true but unexplainable.

Today, on this Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter, I will listen for the small, nearly hidden, voice of the Holy Spirit.

Blessed Joachima, known and admired for your high degree of prayer, deep trust in God and selfless charity, pray for us.

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