Thursday, August 27, 2015

August 27, 2015 - Thursday

Fill us at daybreak with your mercy,
that all our days we may sing for joy. (Psalm 90:14 NABRE)

Lord, you fill me at daybreak with your mercy. And all day I sing for joy. Your divine mercy exceeds what I deserve, yet you freely give it to me. Your divine joy is beyond my understanding, yet you allow me to experience it. I do not seek happiness--the fleeting pleasures of this world. Happiness does not endure and it is ultimately disappointing. Worse, chasing happiness distracts me from pursuing your joy. Your joy is satisfying in celebration and in suffering. Your joy endures all things. Your joy is my strength. Your joy lies in the certainty of your constant companionship and faithfulness. Your joy grows when I trust in you.

Today, I will sing for joy because of God's great mercy!

Saint Monica, patron of mothers, married women, and alcoholics, pray for us.

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