Tuesday, August 18, 2015

August 18, 2015 - Tuesday

And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more, and will inherit eternal life.
But many who are first will be last, and the last will be first. (Matthew 19:29-30 NABRE)

What is your idea of success? Is eternal life with God part of your idea of success? If it is, what would you give up for the sake of Jesus' name? If you were called to sacrifice your life, could you? If you were called to sacrifice your house, would you? How much is too much of a sacrifice for you? Where is your line in the sand?

This is not a way to see how much guilt you can endure. No! Jesus wants our hearts. He wants us to willingly, and as Paul says cheerfully, give of what we have to those in need as a sign of our trust in him and as a way to share our understanding of God's generosity with those around us. Jesus tells us it is the last who will be first in the kingdom of God. Let us center our idea of success on this.

Today, I will seek to understand success as Jesus did, who put himself last, becoming a servant to all.

Saint Louis of Toulouse, who said, "Jesus Christ is all my riches; he alone is sufficient for me," pray for us.

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