Sunday, August 30, 2015

August 30, 2015 - Sunday

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world. (James 1:27 NABRE)

We are uncertain exactly when his letter was written, but it is highly unlikely this James was one of the Apostles. The writer identifies himself only as a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. James writes directly and does not mince words. He is action-oriented and encourages us to be the same way.

In the Old Testament, orphans and widows are classical examples of the defenseless and oppressed.* James reminds us in strong terms that it is to provide for such as these that we are called by Jesus. On reading his words, I am inclined inward to examine my willingness to care for others who cannot care for themselves. I am challenged to ask myself, "Do I actually do anything for those in need?" and also, "Do I do enough?" Perhaps a more productive question is, "Can I do more?"

Lord God, if it is your will that I do more, or something different, to help others who are afflicted in so many ways, please open my eyes to see the need, the opportunity, and the path to change. Protect me from my own fear, Lord. Put away my reluctance and replace it with the confidence and certainty only your holy Spirit can provide. Lord, if I am, at least right now, doing all you want of me, allow me the same confidence and certainty as I discern my own heart and actions.

Today, I will look to see Jesus in everyone who is defenseless or oppressed, and I will open myself to a new way to care for them.

Saint Jeanne Jugan, who once said, "With the eye of faith, we must see Jesus in our old people—for they are God's mouthpiece," pray for us.

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