Saturday, August 8, 2015

August 8, 2015 - Saturday

There is an appointed time for everything,
and a time for every affair under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NABRE)

At times, these words offer us comfort. At other times, they challenge and even provoke us. In either case, with the vicissitudes of life being what they are, we need to look beyond life's particular circumstances and situations to find a consistent perspective on our lives, an objective perspective, an eternal perspective. God's word offers such perspective.

Consider that today's verse actually points out that God has determined the appropriate moment of "time" for each human activity. Human beings cannot know that moment; further, the wider course of events and purposes fixed by God are beyond us as well.*

How often do we over-spiritualize or under-spiritualize the timing or the context of human events? Too often, no doubt. But when we seek to evaluate specific events from an eternal perspective, there is no doubt we are on a path to wisdom and understanding.

Today, I will seek to consider the events of my day from an eternal perspective, and to take action led by the Spirit of wisdom.

Saint Dominic, who effectively combined contemplation and activity, pray for us.

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