Saturday, April 12, 2014

April 12, 2014 - Saturday

The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. (John 12:23 NIV)

NCAA basketball is over for the season, and our teams, both the men and women, won it all!  In front of the entire sports world, they made the impossible look easy.

After being an underdog all season, the men returned to campus as fans lined their bus route back, still cheering them on!  After a perfect 40-0 season, huge crowds gathered along the route back to campus to watch the women's triumphant return.  The fans wanted to be a part of something special!

These athletes have a following because they proved they are who they say they are.  They generate excitement with wins and draw others to them by doing what seemed impossible.

Jesus had a fan base too.  It was brief, but for a while after raising Lazarus from the dead, the locals were all atwitter over him.  He proved who he was and began to draw many people to himself as a result.  However, after riding into town on a donkey, along a road lined with his fans, rather than speaking at a rally of celebration, he predicts the end of his short-lived celebrity with his statement in today's verse.

He knew ahead of time what was going to be done to him during the next few days.  And he knew it was God's plan.  And he knew it was the way laid out for him by God.  And he accepted it.  Why?

Because that would be his path back to the Father. It would redeem our failings and give us the chance to join him.  It was Jesus' time to finish the job he came here to do.

Today, I will remember that Jesus has power even over death, so I will lay all the lesser problems of my life at his feet.

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